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LR008 - Sonic Meditations

©Terry Lawless (ASCAP) / David Rackley (ASCAP), 2012
Lawless / Rackley Music Publishing www.lawlessrackley.com

Written specifically with voiceover in mind. Stereo FX and imaging make these cuts ideal for TV, film and radio.
**Underscores included in the full album purchase.**

Album is 100% original copyrighted material.

Purchase entire album (16 tunes - 16 underscores) for $12.99.
$2.00 postage & handling.

Enjoy a 30 second preview, purchase individual tracks and download instantly.

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Licensing/Performance Information
Track Description
Arctic Sunrise
(full length - 4:43)
84 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Medium tempo marimba ostinato over swirling atmospheres.
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Time Through Harmonic Convergence
(full length - 3:20)
80 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Arpeggiated piano over a lush pad.
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Song Of The Ocean Dreams
(full length - 6:24)
48 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Pad with low piano chords morphsinto a flute solo over same.
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Sea Stars
(full length - 3:56)
80 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Acoustic piano floats over a soft bed.
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Prayer Of St. Cecilia
(full length - 5:27)
60 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Solo flute takes the lead over orchestral strings and winds with synthetic undertones.
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Clouds Of Peace
(full length - 5:06)
104 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Chirpy hypnotic ostinato with
bass groove and voice accents.
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Stars In A Bottle
(full length - 3:37)
100 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
A soft, sad flute lead over piano and pad with an off beat bell highlight.
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A New World Awakens
(full length - 6:10)
70 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Piano over a thick pad highlighted with Native American flute motifs.
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Spring Dance Of The Maidens
(full length - 4:00)
134 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Light rhythmic texture with melodic piano stack lead.
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The Object Of Eternal Joy
(full length - 6:20)
64 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Oboe and English horn sing above an orchestral bed with rhythmic highlights.
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Love Heals The Troubled Heart
(full length - 5:10)
50 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Flute and piano intertwine over orchestral pads and ambient sounds of nature.
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Song Of The Magic Flute
(full length - 4:48)
64 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
FLute and Native American flute whisper over a rhythmic 12/8 synthetic bed.
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The River Of The World
(full length - 4:31)
90 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Quasi vocal pads with light ambient percussion roll into a nylon guitar motif.
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Dance Of Crystal Dreams
(full length - 4:43)
84 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
New age piano punctuates a pad of flutes and wispy textures.
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The Eternal Universe Of Love
(full length - 5:31)
78 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Sprightly piano over orchestral strings and synthetic pads.
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Visions Of Past Futures
(full length - 6:07)
66 BPM
©Terry Lawless (ASCAP)
and David Rackley (ASCAP)
Lawless / Rackley Publishing ©2012
Soothing piano long tones with arpeggiated left hand over hornlike pads.
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Underscores of each composition are included in the full CD;
same length, tempo and thematic arrangement for easy mixing and editing.

Downloads are .mp3 format ripped at 192kbps. For other formats and bandwidth rates contact Lawless / Rackley Music.

Purchasing any of the songs on Sonic Meditations allows the purchaser to use the tune, or any part of the tune, for production purposes. In doing so all information must be correctly reported to ASCAP in regard to the authors' rights, performance rights and publishing rights in their entirety. No songs from this album may be used in any portion or in entirety on any other album, collection of songs, music library, etc. without express permission from Lawless / Rackley Music. If there is any question as to the use or payments for use of any of this product the user must first contact Lawless / Rackley Music.

ANY use as production music MUST include and report the following information:
Artists: Terry Lawless (ASCAP) and David Rackley (ASCAP)
©Lawless / Rackley Music, 2012
Publisher: Lawless / Rackley Music, 2012

All rights reserved.