Terry Lawless Banner

Download Page

"A Little Help, Please"...collaborations between Terry Lawless and MANY friends...

Please enter your ten digit redemption code from the back of the card in the space below labelled "ACCESS CODE" and click on the green button to the code's right.

If you haven't yet bought a DropCard with a download key, you can order your album directly. Specify either the collectable original plastic format or the recycled paper with embedded wildflower seed format. (Enter your code and plant the seed-embedded card.) The cost is $8 with postage, handling and applicable sales tax included. A download code will be emailed to you and the physical card will be sent by USPS. Keep the card / code for items added in the future. CD is also available for $12 (all fees included). Inclusive shipping is for continental US customers only. Outside the US either use just the download code without the card or send an email describing your situation.


plastic DropCard

Recycled paper DropCard
w/ embedded wildflower seeds

This album includes: "Ships Of Sand" with Sam Keele and Voltaire 7 - "Desire" with Ray Angels - "It Changed My Life" with Ed Miller and Unfinished Business - "Cold Rain Fallin'" with John Matthews - "Dr. Johnathan" with David Rackley - "Find You A Girl" with Ed Miller and Unfinished Business - "Eleanor Rigby" with Sam Keele, Voltaire 7 and Rocko & the Devils - "Sarah's Song" - "Oriole" with Ray Angels - "Havana Seduction" with David Rackley